Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photostory about my life - Moritz

I have tree main passions in my life: sport, music and also photographie.
My old hobby.
I've made a lot of different sport arts. For example: do judo, athletics, canoeing and bow-shooting. Now in this time, it's just cycling.

I'm very intrested in music too. Not just listen, also make self music!
I play since 9 years piano and have since a half year my own band!
We play the music, which we like, and hope, that other people like them too. ;)

My band and me on stage.

Also I like to photograph! I have now a new cam!
It's my little 'baby' .. - the "Nikon D5000" :)
And edit pictures is wonderfull too.
Selfmade analog-pictures in a labor.

View on my house from the garden-side.

Photo story of my life - Dominik

My passion is photography. In this area is already pursuing a number of years. At the moment I work with many institutions and portals (, Much time has already worked with wonderful people, I had the opportunity to be on exciting assignments. Apart from that I'm a big fan of cycling andmotoring. In my spare time I coach a summer amateur cycling.

photo of Peace Festival - a concert of many international stars, 
in the picture with my friends photographers

Photo of Tour de Pologne 2010 - the largest cycling race in Poland

Photo of the Days of the City of Oswiecim in 2010 - 
a series of concerts Polish star of the stage.

47 edition of Beskid Culture Week at Oswiecim

Winter expedition to photograph this year

Winter expedition to photograph this year

Photo car rally between the sections, who was in Oswiecim 2009

Photo of the Polish League All-Star Game Hockey2011 - ice skating rink in Oświecim
In the picture with the famous polar Marek Kaminski,
 the winner of the North Pole andthe South of our planet.

We cordially invite you to their portfolio of photography at the following address:

Oświęcim in old pictures - Quest no.2

The construction of the road - the current street Dąbrowskiego 

Market - Anthony Polaszka building under construction

tenement in the Market

Anthony's backyard building Polaszka (Market)

The market, on the wagon there displaced property

temporary shunt broken wooden bridge over Sole

April 1940

Market - air-raid shelter

Main Market
March 1940

ul. Dabrowskiego
the late 30's

city with a bird's eye view

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Old pictures of the wonderfull town Lübeck - Quest No. 2

Lübeck was a very rich town in the middle-age. It was the capital of a community, which is called the „Hanse“. A community of trade-towns in the north of Germany and around the Baltic-see.

I show you here some old pictures up to the second world-war. I compare some, how it looks today.
View infront of the portal of Lübeck.
Skyline with the fomous "Seven-Towers".
Visit from the 'Kaiser Willhelm II.' 1913
The 'Heiligen-Geist'-Hospital
Centre of the Citty -  the marketplace and the town hall. In the background the Marien-Church.
An other view - the main post-centre.
The place today - town hall
There was the old main post-centre.
The Marien-Church. The biggest church in the world of brick-stones!

After the second world-war.
A aerial view, ca.1950. Some churches are rebuild, But the rest was complet destroyed.
View on Lübeck today.
 I'll add some other old pictures of my livlingarea and how the houses around 1900 looked like.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Little usefull German-Polish Dictionary - Quest No.14

  • Hallo!  -  Cześć!
  • Tschüss!  -  Cześć!
  • Hi!  -  Hej!
  • Guten Tag!  -  Dzień dobry!
  • Guten Abend!  -  Dobry wieczór!
  • Gute Nacht!  -  Dobranoc!
  • Auf Wiedersehen!  -  Do widzenia!
  • Wie geht es dir?  -  Jak się masz?
  • Wie heißt du?  -  Jak się nazywasz?
  • Ich heiße... -  Nazywam się...
.. More usefull words were added by time.

Customs and traditions of Christmas in Germany

Christmas is also in the end of the period of the advent in gemany. With the december starts the christmas-time too. From the first sunday in the month to the 4th sunday, it is tradition to kindle a candle, whitch are standing in a circle. Every week the next one.
It stands for the preparing to the christmas time, to realise the birth of Jesus.
In the 6
th of december, the „Nikolaus“ is coming. He symbolizes a bishop, which is died in the 6th december.
Additional we have also a calendar with 24 days. It is for the anticipation for the 24
th and every day we got a little present.
When the 24
th comes closer, it is tradition in germany, that the families bild a christmas-tree in the house with lights and beautifull things.
Centre of the Christmas-Marked in Lübeck
The centre of our city Lübeck is wonderfull decorated and a big christmas-market too.
In the evening of the 24th is the big celebration.
This year, we celebrate christmas in our house, with just some of the familie, because the others were ill or can't move, 'cause of this hardly winter here.
First, we eat together on a big table. His year was it potatoes and sausages. It is traditional in Germany on christmas. I don't know why, and I don't like it too. In the last years it was always a big plate of fish or something else.
When we are finished, we sit in the round and distribute the presents. The most importants of all!
When I was younger, the Santa Clause was coming, but today I know, that my cousin was him and he realy don't exists. :D
The two days after the evening are holidays and christmasdays too. In these days we invite friends or go out and eat in the evening in resaurants.

Customs and traditions of Christmas in Poland

Christmas is preceded by a period of Advent, a time of joyful expectation for the coming of the Lord. To adopt the habits of Advent should include participation of the faithful in the Mass celebrated at dawn roratnich dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Historically, in some regions of the country was a popular custom of braiding Advent wreath. On the first Sunday of Advent, was suspended from the ceiling in rooms wreath made of branches and decorated with choiny red ribbons. On the one candle lit wreath in each subsequent Sunday added another. Another custom falling in the season of Advent is the gift giving to children on St.. Nicholas (6 December). Gifts are usually put under the pillow or the shoes. Christmas Eve is one of the best Polish family Christmas. Large role in creating a festive atmosphere plays a decorated apartment. In all houses, beautiful Christmas tree reigns supreme. When all the dishes are already prepared, start store for the table. This involves, among others with a specific custom-laying under the tablecloth for each person of dried fish scales, hay or small coins, which after the feast, each of those present at the supper carefully hides the "purse" for the whole year does not run out of money. White tablecloth - snowy whiteness, covering the surface of the table. The most beautiful crockery and cutlery. On a white plate with a napkin or Christmas wafers are made. Table is decorated with boughs of Christmas trees, adorned with colored decorations. On the table is preparing additional cover, designed for stray wanderer. Empty plate is also an expression of remembrance of loved ones who have departed. Under the Christmas tree is made up gifts for loved ones.Christmas Eve meal is preceded by reading the passage of the Gospel according to Luke. Luke about the birth of Jesus. Then they all household members share the wafer and make a wish. Christmas wafer is typically Polish tradition. It symbolizes universal reconciliation and brotherhood. Christmas table is set with the brim with delicious home themselves. Most of their 12 cooks, because so many months of the year. It can be found at, among others: pea soup, other than the usual almond soup, or mushroom or bean. After drinking the soup with vegetables cooked carp polanego butter with bread or fried carp with butter and potatoes. Poppy-heads are a real delicacy. Drawn depending on the region: the milk or water, with rolls or biscuits with raisins and poppy seeds and honey, or earlier depending on the wealth of home with the same poppy, rolls, milk and sugar. After the poppy capsules is time consuming moczki. There are the dried plums, apples, pears, raisins, and rarity - dried figs. Part of the evening was the Christmas and singing carols przy Christmas crib. Songs that tell of the birth of Jesus we have a lot of Polish tradition. Ends on Christmas Eve Midnight Mass-Mass is celebrated in churches, exactly at midnight. Christmas is the most solemn holidays in our tradition. Christmas, which we all look forward with longing. Holidays, to which we prepare for a long and carefully. These are the days when we devote more time and warmth to your family, relatives and strangers.