Saturday, January 8, 2011

Old pictures of the wonderfull town Lübeck - Quest No. 2

Lübeck was a very rich town in the middle-age. It was the capital of a community, which is called the „Hanse“. A community of trade-towns in the north of Germany and around the Baltic-see.

I show you here some old pictures up to the second world-war. I compare some, how it looks today.
View infront of the portal of Lübeck.
Skyline with the fomous "Seven-Towers".
Visit from the 'Kaiser Willhelm II.' 1913
The 'Heiligen-Geist'-Hospital
Centre of the Citty -  the marketplace and the town hall. In the background the Marien-Church.
An other view - the main post-centre.
The place today - town hall
There was the old main post-centre.
The Marien-Church. The biggest church in the world of brick-stones!

After the second world-war.
A aerial view, ca.1950. Some churches are rebuild, But the rest was complet destroyed.
View on Lübeck today.
 I'll add some other old pictures of my livlingarea and how the houses around 1900 looked like.